We are super proud to announce that we are an official sponsor of the 2024 Norway Chess.
“- Just like the chess players, we must, through extensive experience, knowledge, and analytical abilities, deliver our very best every day to succeed in creating the very best solutions for the top retail chains and online stores”, says Chairman and Head of Development, Roy-Andre Tollefsen.
«- We think it’s fantastic that one of the world’s most prestigious chess tournaments takes place in our hometown, and we are extra proud to be able to sponsor a tournament with such good values as Norway Chess”, he continues.
In 2022, they brought the Stavanger-based investment company Øgreid into the ownership side, and CEO Lars Ødegaard says that the company immediately established an international strategy for their Flow Retail POS platform.
«– We are working towards an international launch of Flow Retail POS in 2024”, Ødegaard explains, and he further states that they hope the collaboration with Norway Chess can contribute to their international efforts.
Benedicte Westre Skog, project manager at Norway Chess, says they are very happy to have Flow Solutions on the team and are looking forward to the collaboration with the local software company.
Read the press release from Norway Chess for more details